Games of Dave

Weekly play blog

I’m hoping this will be a very regular thing…. but I’m gonna talk about the games I’ve played around about every week. I’m a member of a games group that meets weekly so hopefully I have some good content!

Anyway, we’re currently playing though a legacy game called Solar 175 (one of many kickstarters) so quite a few blogs will be about that, so lets get started!

Solar 175

This is a legacy worker placement game based on exploitation of the solar system. You fly your ship around the system, claiming bases, building up your workforce, increasing your influence in different zones and completing special projects, with the final score of each game calculated based on all those factors.

I wasn’t expecting it to go down well cause of the rating on BGG isn’t stellar but is still pretty good, but the guys I’m playing with seem to enjoy it even after 4 games and I’m still looking for new strategies as I still haven’t won a game…

Anyway, the game plays where you pull 4-8 your workers from the bag, deterine where they go on your playboard and that determines what more workers, bases, outposts, or special projects you get that round, or if you move your ship. Initially moving your ship seems to get less useful as the game goes on but once you unlock something in later games they get a good bit more useful, as do most of the things that seem kinda pointless in the first game.

The ship miniatures aren’t the most obviously needed things, it feels like they could be half the size and still make the point that they’re there, and I could swear the outposts are meant to look edible. None have been eaten though. Yet. Its a legacy game, so maybe they will be?

Theres a nice voting mechanic which determines some bonus points at the end of the game BUT so far its been very difficult to move the bonus points to a different bonus, but I’m hoping future games make it easier to make the game more interesting.

One thing I will note is we have no idea when the legacy game will end…. from reading the rules it seems to be a little unpredictable, but its not yet at least!

In summary, its a great game, thats quick. I’d recommend it if you have regular group that likes space games, and it changes enough to not be boring. I wouldn’t recommend it for any less than 4 players though. I don’t think it would work as well with less as it seems about the right crowded level. I imagine 5 players would be even more interesting but i can’t see us doing that soon!

In our latest play (game 5? I think) I finally won a game, and it was an important win! Turns out legacy things get more interesting and more diverse at this point so it was a good time to start winning. Voting still hasn’t made a difference though.

Dave out

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