23 Jun

Its 2 years since James nearly killed me. And 7 other people. Including himself.

That  title is an exaggeration. Almost.

Anyway, 5 months since I last blogged… huh. I’ve been busy.

I bought carpet!

And a fridge!

And lots of wood, and bricks, and some door handles, and a sink. And a bunch of other things (I can’t be bothered listing everything). They all came neatly packaged in a big a thing called ‘a house’. Well most of it did, I had to later add some of those things. Ikea is too close.

The whole process was pretty  straitforward/insanely over complicated depending on how you look at it… offers… offer accepted… mortgage…mortgage accepted… sit and wait for contracts to sign… then wait for other side to sign contracts… encourage lawyer to annoy other lawyer to ask his client to hurry up… get a call… get some keys… walk up to my own home and walk in. Fun.

Now I have a room full of my junk, and several other rooms full of board games and computers. And this slightly-zoomed-in wonderful view, right behind the computer i type this on:
It's like those vampire books, except good.


And some super unfriendly cats that keep staring at me… then running away. Or hissing. There were photos, but apparently they can remotely destroy any photos taken of them.


So, I’ve been working on making the place as mine as I can… though I still haven’t really decorated. There’s furniture… mostly black furniture… some’s brown! And then there’s the board game stuff…

Most of my board games. Most…

And, the table I spent 2 months building:

Black dot is a Carcasonne Meeple, for scale. I had no bananas.

Whole thing is modular and expandable… 2m x 1m, up to 2.75x1m. Ish. I’m gonna replace the green felt with some sort of starscape for space games, and the little square things work as dice trays. Legs are detachable, so it can be armchair height, or dining room table height. It does, however, weigh a ton.

Most work I’ve ever done with wood, and I had splinters. Owies.

I’m considering adding things to make it extend automagically, and… other… fun things. Possibly involving touchscreens.

Other things I’ve been doing involve the mystical Ikea, like this lampshade:

Its not on fire.

It comes in lots of bits and its cable is WAY too long. (this is an older photo, things have been tidied up since then.) It shrinks into a sphere when you pull the cord. And makes things darker. Like mood lighting, cause I haven’t rigged the lights into computers… yet.

So, here I am, wondering one main thing… how to decorate. All of my rooms are off white or… whatever this colour is:


I think its kind of green. And most of furniture is brown/black So, I’m looking for ideas, ideas which are appropriate for me, Dave. Not a teenage girl. Nor a 27 yr old woman. But yes, good ideas are welcome. Or wall furnishings. Like pictures.

As mentioned in my last blog (though no one answered the question) the answer was R2-D2. Obviously.

And thus, I’m done.



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