31 Dec

This blog is not about puppies.

Hes tired and hes typing.

That may not be a good thing.



its been about 3 months since I last typed something here.

Amazingly, not a lot has happened, so you might be thinking you’ve started reading this for no reason, and nothing will come of this, but, I fear, your pessimism is badly placed! Something will come of your visiting this page today, I assure you! And so, to the business of entertaining you, and your fellow human beings! And the 2 cats that might read this! LETS GO.

House hunting is HARD. Mostly cause i have to do the whole financing thing first, but once thats done its just hard to see a good place to go viewing at the right price. There’s the ‘obviously need work’ ones… the ‘holy crap you made that look big but its obviously too small for a kitten’ ones, the “wait… where is exactly is that… oh.” ones, the “that’s a lot of flags….” ones, the “TIGER. THE NEIGHBOUR HAS A TIGER” ones, and finally the “I can’t see anything wrong with this, whats wrong with it, oh that’s a peace wall” ones.

Though I’m sure i’ll find a place sooner or later… Preferably one without an impending doom, and not overly pink. So very many of them are very pink…

Moving on… I have minions! Ish. For a bit. Not really. I’m training people. And making sure they do things right. In work, not other places… though if you consider yourself my minion let me know and I’ll make sure to treat you as you expect!

My obsession with boardgames has not diminished, much to my friends joy/consternation, and i now own 47 base games, with a few variants too bringing them to over 50. If anyone would like to organize a night to play said games, heres a list, and I am always ready to play 🙂

Since my last blog I turned 28, and that has led to absolutely no differences in my life whatsoever. So, next big thing…


I got a new phone! Yes, this seems to happen very often but this time, this time its different. This time its a Sony Z3 Compact. This time, it doesn’t need charged very often. This time… its awesome. It doesn’t bend.

A few things I found out in the last month:

  • Apparently I’ve mellowed out from being absolutely weird 5 years ago to just being a bit weird.
    • but the better kind of weird where my weirdnesses are actually useful.
  • Being polite is confusing to some people…
  • Steam trains are loud at 9AM..
  • I don’t know how to be more excited about episode 7 than I am already…
  • I can stay awake much later than i thought and still be functional…
  • Cats aren’t as evil as I once thought..
  • Tea isn’t that bad when its made in the right way…
  • I kinda want to build a snowman so you won’t get very far singing that song at me.
  • Its apparently normal to own a printer.

Ok, that last point, Printers. Printers are a horrible creation, a necessary evil of the pre internet age, that are only required by the unfortunate few. You see, I have printed around about 10 sheets of paper in the last 2 years, and I expect to print even less next year. Now, if i was to set up the printer I own, but is currently boxed up in the attic, it would cost me a good half hour to get working, another x amount of time to get ink for, and then theres paper. On the other hand if I were to print those few pages a year in work, or some other printing location it would cost less, take less time, and therefore be better. And thus, I have no need for a printer. Its not like I spend a chunk of my time printing photos of cats and sticking them up around my computer, or beside my bed….

Ok, so now i’ve un-necessarily argued against owning a printer, I think thats enough of a rant for tonight.

Good something*!


*Where something is a day, night, morning, cat, evening, or otherwise. I don’t know what kind of semantics pattern you have if you sleep 16 hours a day.

8 thoughts on “This blog is not about puppies.

  1. Your irrational hatred for printers pleases me greatly because I too have an irrational hatred for printers. Unfortunately mine gets more use than yours (what with job hunting and a mother who does a lot of travelling and insists on a copy of everything) and every time I use it to actually print something it justifies its stupid presence under my desk where I constantly try to kick it to death but it always survives!!

    Also…did you know a certain older non-relative has a wireless printer? A wireless printer that seems to forget her wifi password monthly. A wireless printer. Because printers aren’t already hateful enough.

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