27 Jun

Japan: Day 7 – Duck!

Today was very similar to yesterday, complete with the other guys getting naked together, and im knackered so the blog isn’t much tonight.

Here’s some photos from the week that didn’t fit elsewhere to sate your appetite:

This could be a magazine cover for short term missions. “Look at the happy smiley people you could hang out with or be!”


Robbie called Sarah up to do some stretches for the start of day warm up. She’s a ballerina. He clearly isn’t.


This was sitting on the tables for lunch. We assumed it was a coffin for a large rat…


…until we were brave enough to open it and realise it was a treasure trove of goodies:


If you have a fear of ducks this isn’t gonna help:


And a couple for someone in particular who apparently reads this and gets annoyed when I don’t post, to the point of texting her daughter to remind me. Hello! Here’s a pic of Flic:


And a slightly more ridiculous one…


That’s all for now!

We’ll be in Tokyo for the next blog, it’s our last few hours with the kids tomorrow, hopefully it’s a brilliant few hours.

Dave – Totally not naked. The other guys are though. Definitely. If this mental image isn’t lodged in your head I’m clearly not trying hard enough.

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