Japan – Day 3: When bugs attack
The bugs have found us. Well, they’ve found Heather and Flic, both suffering with multiple bites. I’m assuming there’s a common theme of slight gingerness in what the bugs like to eat. Hoping the specks of ginger in my beard don’t make me their next target.
Today, we went to the Lifehouse church, Helen’s church in Sapporo. The girls got dressed up in Kiminos:
During the service I played the flute, Philip presented a gift to the church, and Helen translated the message for us. It was a pretty different experience, where the Pastor gave out some notes (in both english and japan) and we followed along, as he added points and explained the notes. It kinda helped in following the message better. We then had this photo taken with the Church:

We had a barbeque for lunch! From pigs guts to Lamb, we ate lots and chatted to some of the members. They were very nice people, one conversation that stood out was with a police officer, who proceeded to lift a 23 month old child in one hand well into the air, as far as he could above his head. Then repeated it with his 3 yr old. And then his 6 yr old. I could hear Karen Jardine’s voice in my head yelling “CHILD PROTECTION” and just ignored it.
This was good brilliant food, and Robbie noticed them putting some sort of spice on top of it. He declared it glorious and wondered why we didn’t have it, going on and on about the wonder spice… he finally asked Helen and found out what the magical spice was:
Salt and pepper.
He and Philip have now bought a few cartons of the prepared mix…

We then went to Helen’s and prepped some of our stuff for the next few days, like a pair of massive glasses and streamers.
Thats right, Flic. Scroll down.

Helen has a quilt that was made by the women and a few of the men (apparently, we’ll have to ask Drew) from Bloomfield, Felicity, Amy, and Philip found their grandparents on it:

We’ve now come back to the guest house and started on finishing off our decorations and craft for tomorrow, fueled by our third trip to get Pot Noodles. They’re MUCH better here. Like most foodstuffs.
Tomorrow we travel to the Hotel for the Conference,
meet the majority of the kids,
and start our program.
But now I have powerpoint words to type up.
Totally didn’t mean to type that as a verse.
Japan – Day 3: When bugs attack http://t.co/Rbhwtxhohz