17 Jun

Tomorrow, the adventure begins. Or continues. I’m not totally sure when this adventure started…

…or is gonna end. In any case, Tomorrow is a significant event, probably nowhere near the end.

Tomorrow, I leave for JAPAN. Well, I leave home to stay over in Belfast and actually fly out of Dublin on Wednesday morning, but close enough. This will be the longest flight I’ll ever go on, and the furthest I’ll ever be from home, to look after some crazy missionary kids while their parents attend a conference. I’m convinced good things will happen.

So imagine my surprise when not only did my job situation get a little precarious 2 weeks before I was due to leave, but 4 days beforehand my right knee decides to freeze up. Fortunately the work situation has worked out pretty well, (more on that in a few weeks) and my knee SEEMS to be getting better. Ibruprofen FTW.
Heres hoping nothing else silly happens, but pretty certain this means something good WILL happen. I may blog. Regularly. Maybe.

Anyway, my ridiculous project is still possible, just gotta get me a decent mic for my camera. Which will also help with me making these things videos. I figure vlogging suits my more randomized thought nature and ridiculous good looks better. If you don’t agree, well you don’t have to watch. You should probably listen though.

In other news I managed to wire in a Google Hangout with a missionary in Japan for an interview in church. This doesn’t sound like much, but I did it in a church with no internet access, and integrated in 2 way video, using the churches own camera system, something the video system was definitely not designed for. It was fun! Though stressful. It was actually only fully working about 10 minutes before the service, despite how smooth it apparently appeared and our multiple tests.

New consoles! My opinion? PS4. Ain’t no Microsoft crony spying on me while I do my Darth Maul impressions with a broomstick.

And lastly, the big question, What does MVF have to do with my beard? Cryptic.


P.S. Its very difficult to fit all my carry on luggage into 8kg. Perhaps I should leave my second laptop at home…

19 thoughts on “Tomorrow, the adventure begins. Or continues. I’m not totally sure when this adventure started…

  1. DAVE!

    On the note of the Google Hangout – I had to go out to Smerge and so didn’t get to see you after the service. Just wanted to say you did an amazing job on Sunday. I couldn’t believe how smoothly it went – you are awesome.

    I may loosen the “Rules for Dave in Japan” slightly as a result.

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