17 Mar

I’m so tired…

…not just physically tired, (I blame risk for that) but tired of other things.

Tired of holding back my ideas, tired of living miles from my friends, tired of money, tired of youtube, tired of being too busy to look up, tired of thinking too much, tired of the internet, and mostly tired of not getting the opportunity to serve God as much as I want.

This is why I haven’t blogged in a while, its difficult when you’ve no time to think about stuff, hence why I’m typing this at 11.00pm on the Sunday of a bank holiday weekend. I just want to have a job that truely matters, live near my friends and not have to worry about anything.


Anyway. That was different.

You should watch these videos! They’re educational! In a fun way! I now know a lot about the Mongols. But watch it!


I’m also looking for music videos for music that is any good. Please let me know some.

Where was I… oh yeah, tired. Physically tired! Board games. Risk at 9.00pm is a bad idea. It was a worse idea when it came to 2.00am.
Board games are awesome.

Gah. Time to sleep. Or continue watching Dr. Who. I haven’t decided yet.

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