20 Oct

Weirdest thing that happened this week. And maybe other things too.

So, the other day I was in the Mace close to my work at lunch when someone beside me asks “hi, do you go to Bloomfield Presbyterian?”
To which I appropriately respond “yeah…?”
“wanna do a bible reading  some Sunday?”
“Um… OK?”
I turn to pick up a wispa, and hes gone, just as mysteriously as he appeared.


Another weird thing that happened is, for some strange reason, work decided to go out for lunch on Wednesday to a restaurant, in UU called The Academy. It was… different. We weren’t expecting this. Things were strange from the moment we walked in. Go there, and you’ll see. Food’s good though.

I’ll be partaking in MAD this coming weekend, I should be on cameras on main stage, and I’ll hopefully get the opportunity to annoy some people with said camera 😛 I’ll also be Comparé at the table quiz on Saturday afternoon. Some of you may already know some of the answers, however, I trust the ridiculous riddles I can come up with help.

Magical number is 301 today. Its a good number. Please, someone, work out why. It has significance. You just need to work it out.

In a more geeky aspect to the world, the end of this month has the 3 biggest tech companies announcing new products (again) with google phones and probably another tablet, a smaller, but still probably pointlessly too big ipad from apple (there’s no point shrinking down your tablet if it still won’t fit in a reasonably large pocket), and quite possibly the most useful 10″ tablets from Microsoft. The most interesting thing though is the ludicrous resolutions HTC and Sharp have developed, full HD 5 inch screens… yet why can’t we find QuadHD 20″ screens? Gah.

There’s also Windows 8, which should be a relatively cheap upgrade, though I would say its a try before you buy thing.

And finally, a really important subject for you to discuss: How does that guys guitar rotate like that in Back To the Future 3? Seriously, why would you mount a guitar on a rotating thing like that? And Marty never looks Seamus in the eye correctly.

Dave Out.

Well, I’m still at home, but I’m gonna stop typing now.

7 thoughts on “Weirdest thing that happened this week. And maybe other things too.

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