14 Oct

It’s my birthday and I’ll listen to Radio 4 if I want to.

That’s right, I listen to Radio 4 now. I’m old. 26 years old in fact.

And I’m OK with that.

So what does this mean now?

Jack all. Except I won’t understand when people talk about the top 40, and understand politics better.

Anyway, this week in work is going to be a living nightmare, so lets talk about other things! The last time I watched someone play FIFA was 2007. I watched someone play it again yesterday. It hasn’t changed. Normal games would get DLC for this kind of incremental change, not 5 £45 new games.

Keeping with the gaming talk, except onto a decent franchise that doesn’t rip off its customers, play The Walking Dead. Its not a normal game, more like a make-your-own-adventure book, and its great. I’ve had games make me jump, but this got me pretty close to tears at one point. The story follows the zombie apocalypse, like the TV show, but a guy running with a little girl he found in a treehouse, and trying to look after her. They come across a family, parents and a 10 year old son, and you spend several game hours with them, building a friendship with the father, and leaning on the mother as she was one of the most reasonable, sane people in the group. Then, the son gets bit while running from one of their ‘safe’ houses. The boy is dying, but everyone knows he will turn into a zombie when he dies. The mother and father make the hard decision that they have to shoot him, as they don’t want him coming back as a zombie. When its clear the boy is about to die, you watch as they argue about which of them should shoot him. You convince them that either the mother or father should do it, then watch as they take the boy into the wood so the little girl with you doesn’t see. You hear a shot, but something isn’t right. The father is screaming to his wife. Your character runs to see what was happening. The mother is lying on the ground, with a pistol in her hand and her brains blown out. She’d shot herself, unable to bear the sight of her son dying. Your job is then to console the grieving husband and make sure the son doesn’t come back. You have the choice to take the gun, or let the distraught father do it. It’s hard to pull that trigger. And then you have to console a grieving father for the rest of the game. Its more fun than it sounds.

On to a lighter note! Looper is a good movie! Though Joseph Gordon Levitts eyebrows confused me. It was like they digitally skewed his face to make him look like Bruce Willis, though I’m pretty certain they didn’t.

Taken 2 is not that great. It needed to be a 15, not a movie where people died when Liam Neesan touched them. He’s not Chuck Norris. Also, the pistol I have for Airsoft is the same as his in the first half of the movie. And my spell checker doesn’t recognize Movie… aaand now it does. Though it doesn’t look right now…

Speaking of airsoft, Its fun. Do it. But bring gloves. And hopefully the 3 massive welts from yesterday on my forehead will have faded by now (I don’t wear forehead protection. It’s not smart). In a nutshell its realistic looking firearms powered by gas or motors, firing pellets at about 300 feet per second. Its just enough to hurt, maybe bruise, maybe break skin, definitely break your eyeball, but if you’re wearing loose layers and the face protection, you’re fine. It’s like Call of Duty where you can actually inflict real pain on annoying people.

What else am I doing now I’m 26? Looking suspicious. Its a life plan.

No one knows what the numbers meant (which I forgot to put in the last 2 posts…) so, here it is again, 295! 295. Thats right. 295. Yup.

Dave – One day older than 25.

P.S. Thanks to all you lovely people for the birthday messages.

P.P.S. I wrote this yesterday. If I broke present/past/future/grammatical tense then I apologize.



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