13 May

To boldy go where no self respecting geek has not gone yet.

Star trek into darkness is probably the best Star Trek movie this side of Wrath of Khan.

There, I said it. I wholeheartedly recommend watching Khan first though. Just to compare…. 😀

NOW. To other things.

I’m gonna go to Japan in like a month. This situation is something i’m basically totally unprepared for, but looking forward to getting prepared for…we’re gonna be working with missionary kids while their parents go to a conference. Should be a nice totally stressful couple of weeks 😀

In other news I got a new even more annoying camera! It’s shiny and takes shiny photos of fast moving things better than the last not so shiny one.

This week has Google I/O. Suffice to say I am looking forward to this, as always, and prepping to spend £200 on another random device.

Something to talk about…



I wanna establish a regular day of the month/every 2 weeks to play board games with a select group of friends. I may film this at some point and create a series of terribly written youtube videos out of it, but I’m a little weird like that.

I have ideas for another random project, though… it needs people. Anyone interested in giving up a random period of time some day to help do something TOTALLY RIDICULOUS please let me know.

Thus My random ramblings for tonight are over. Gotta get back into typing random things. Keeps things interesting.


4 Jul

Here we are.

We’re here.

We’re going places.

We’re not going away though.

We just wanna point that out.

We’re always gonna be here.

But we need to go where we need to be.

Where we need to be can be anywhere.

We will go to these places, and we won’t be quiet.

We will shout from the rooftops why we’re there.

We won’t be ashamed.

We won’t stop.

We might suffer for it.

We don’t care.

We’ll go when we’re called.

And no one will stop us.

For if our God is for us….

What can stand against?

1 Jun

Has had his first virus since 2008. And it wasn’t a computer one.


This is different. This would be my first blog. Surprisingly I didn’t have one till now, mainly because I felt I should protect the world from my insanity, but seeing as we now have things like Carly Rae Jepson, the Karashians, and TOWIE, I figure the world needs to be brought over to the other side of craziness for a bit.

So here I am, typing nonsense on a keyboard that hasadodgyspacebar. The blog will cover things from Geeky things, Presby (and general Christian) things, sometimes political things, and sometimes things that don’t fit into clearly defined areas.

The Geeky:

So, I’ve spent the last 4 days stuck at home with a viral infection that basically makes me feel like I’m always falling over, occasionally bashed my head, and recently swallowed  a brick whole. I’ve been VERY bored, Hence why this is coming from a previously unused domain name… I now have a VPS! What does this mean, you ask? Nothing to most of you. But if you want a site or blog hosted let me know and I’ll see if I can spare the space. I’ve already got one friend looking to set up a couple of sites on it. I’m also able to develop Android apps, and hopefully soon iOS apps so if you want one of those made for something let me know. I also have my own dedicated server… but thats dedicated to Minecraft 😛

I’m mildly obsessed with complicated board games, if anyone wants to play a game and has 5-8 hours spare, let me know. I whole heartedly recommend www.shutupshow.com for fantastic sarcastic English board game reviews.

The Presby:

If you didn’t know, my dad’s a Presbyterian minister. If you did, there’s a fresh reminder. Every year since I can remember he’s disappeared for a week in June to go to the mystical General Assembly. In my head it was kinda like the Senate in Star Wars, just less colourful. Well, the virus thing this week means I had plenty of time to sit and watch the live feeds from the Assembly floor. It was actually remarkably interesting seeing how so many things are discussed and what matters to the Assembly. Unfortunately none of the camera angles showed how full the room was, and we had to rely on tweets from people who were there to tell us that only about half the representatives (or at least, the hall was only half full, so it could have been less than half) turned up to the Education, SPUD and YAC morning. Where was everybody? Are the under 25s so insignificant to churches around Ireland? When they actually have young adults participating in the General Assembly, it would be nice for them to be listened to. Grr…

As I was saying, the feed was pretty cool, and made me feel like I’m actually part of the Presbyterian Church as a whole, which is always good. And no, it’s not like the Senate in Star wars, unfortunately. The moderator does wear a fancy cloak/robe though. Kinda cool seeing so many folk I know giving their opinions on important matters. Also gave me some interesting ideas, but they’re still works in progress, and not ready to be revealed…

The Other Stuff-y:

Assuming the Doctor is right I’ll be back at work next Wednesday, which means I’ll see the Olympic Torch being run through Donegal street. This is likely to be about as far as I’m gonna care about the Olympics. They’re not exactly exciting to me, and I don’t really get why they’re bringing the torch to Northern Ireland. We have less to do with the Olympics than most countries… People yell ‘team GB!’ not ‘Team GB and NI’ or ‘team UK’. I’m also not really looking forward to impending football stupidity, though that’s likely to be far more ridiculously stupid.

In other news its the Jubilee weekend, which means the Queen has managed to stay alive to reach 60 years on the throne. It also means a free day off, and lots of random partying. We also know for certain the Queen is coming to Northern Ireland, and when. Frankly, I consider this the most significant development this year so far. The British Government finally feels Northern Ireland is safe enough for a pre-announced Queen’s visit. I know there’ll be ridiculous security, army snipers on every rooftop from here to Enniskillen, and probably some stupid statements from some politicians and paramilitary organizations, but its a good time to be in Northern Ireland.

And now I’m about to fall asleep… so thats my first blog.