The back end of nowhere is kinda pretty
Its been a while!
Its September, the month of… something. What normally happens in September? Schools start back… but I don’t care about that anymore. OH. No… wait… I don’t care about holiday prices dropping… OH!I DO care about all my friends being in the country again! Except those that fled to England. Or Scotland. Or, in one case, America. Did I really scare you that much? I’m sorry! Come back! I won’t do it again!
Anyway…. today is the 22nd of September. Or the 23rd… if you’re reading it tomorrow. Or in Europe! Or further east! But more likely tomorrow… This means it is now 3 weeks till my 28th birthday, and I’ll come up with something to do then. Maybe. Its a tuesday, so… yeah.
So what did I do over the past few months? I did several things. lets go in reverse order, so I can remember them…
I got a promotion! I’m now a ‘Senior Software Engineer’. Appropriate as I’m about to turn 28…
I moved to Belfast! Again. This is likely explained better below. My dad no longer has a manse…(yay promotion!) so we get to live in the city now! A small apartment…
I moved to Greenisland again! For 3 weeks. That means parents, and that means less fun π
I moved out of Belfast! Ruth came home and wanted her house back π
The Word weekend happened! I have to do the audio… I should get round to that tomorrow… but it was awesome!
I bought a Drone! Its currently out of action after a… let’s call it an emergency landing. But it’ll be fixed up soon!
We started a Second RPG group! they were much faster than the other group… just saying…
Tech Camp happened! It was brilliant. I’m tired and running out of words…
Loughbrickland connect happened! People were shocked and amazed at my ability to get internet in the back end of nowhere… but I did! Kids were brilliant and it sucked to leave for the next thing… which is above…
July happened! I don’t remember July much… nor June. What happened in those 2 months? Did i get my car in June? No? It was May? Ok then. I got a new car! Its a DS3. Its not a girls car. Its awesome.
I went back in time! Wait. No. I’m not supposed to mention that. It hasn’t happened yet.
Smile, you’re not turning 28.Β π
Oh, yes, the title. I’ve spent a lot of time in the back end of nowhere. And managed to get signal there! I took photos. They were pretty. I’ll put them somewhere.