Many things this blog talks of. Spoilers, Inside be. Careful now.
The spoilers are near the end. I think.
I’ve had 2 christmas cards so far. Neither got my name right. The first was from our painter and decorator, who managed to get my name confused with my dads, and made me a Rev. They also stuck an extra ‘r’ in my name. The other, strangely, came from Asthma UKNI, who called me Stephen. Its my middle name, but surely they must have my actual name?!?
Anyway, this gives me an idea. Person who gives/sends me a card with the most ridiculous derivation of my name wins a super awesome mega prize*
Moving on.
I have had a busy week. And yet I’m getting up early tomorrow to go pray with a whole bunch of other folk at city hall. And then I don’t know what, but at some point I’m finishing off getting tech ready for our churches ridiculously complicated but kind of awesome christmas kids service, followed by Mumford. I have no doubt I will pass out at some point. Preferably not while driving…
The mysterious number none of you care about is 355. Its a big number. Oh yes.
Now we come to the spoilers part of the blog.
This is a warning, there are spoilers.
Got it?
The Hobbit. It was better than fellowship… though not by much. It suffered the mysterious plot point that the original 3 combined suffered.
Those are some lazy eagles.
They could’ve taken them the whole way, but nope. Lets just drop them on this random rock. Goodness knows how many orks and nasty spidery things lie in their way, but screw it WE’RE EAGLES. WE’LL HELP AS MUCH AS WE WANT. And apparently, its not very much.
Apart from that the whole thing had one properly exciting sequence, though it was longer than I expected, and otherwise consisted of walking. Lots of walking.
Which wouldn’t be neccessary, if it wasn’t for those lazy eagles, just like the first trilogy.
I’m sure I’ve annoyed enough LOTR fans now, so I’ll just leave it at that.
And that’s just another segment of my mind.
*Super awesome mega prize might not be super, awesome or mega. In fact it might just be a figment of my own imagination.