17 Jan

Lookout! I don’t know why… but do it anyway.

So, after my rant in December about printers, I’ve now used a printer in 2014 more than i ever did in 2013… and just to annoy me it took about half an hour for the printer to work… grr. Evil lumps of stupidity. And plastic. but mostly stupid.

Anyway, houses… today I viewed a few places… 2 stood out as particularly bad… The first, the one I got up at 8 for, was an apartment about the size of a badminton court. The living room couldn’t fit a sofa… I’ve no idea how anyone could live in that small space, or pay so much for that.

The other… someone decided, at some point in its history, to remodel the entire inside building. they moved the bathroom, the kitchen, and added a conservatory, where one wall was basically just leaning on the outside wall of next doors extensions. The cistern for the old toilet was still visible behind the boiler, and the floor below the boiler was about to collapse. Then, despite the agents assurances the wiring had been redone recently, found three broken sockets, and several loose hanging cables. The walls looked like Iron man had used them as punching bags, with fist sized holes.

As I don’t want to die in my new home, I don’t think I’ll go for that one.

I am getting closer to finding a place though, hopefully will have some good news this week 🙂

And with that, I leave you with 2 things – a question:

If you were a robot, which would you be? Find out my answer, next time!

And a red panda.

