A plea. A campaign if you will.
“You’re not pretty enough.”
“You’re too complicated”
“What even IS that thing?”
“Eww… vampires”
These are just some of the reasons given to not interact with them. They do not deserve this, they are just as worthy as the others, and deserve just as much love. They are misunderstood, and slotted into that ‘weird’ category to be brought out only with weird people.
But they just want to be brought out and enjoyed like the others, instead, they just sit there, in a dark room, effectively useless.
Did you know, 50% of my boardgames haven’t even been played? There’s hours of fun sitting in boxes that are lucky to have been opened… some haven’t even had their components sorted!
Theres a wealth of awesome worlds and universes to create stories in, and they’re just sitting there, empty and unused!

A plethora of interesting aliens and monsters to befriend or kill!

Or this friendly critter!

Ultimately, he fears for his games. That they’ll grow lonely and unloved…

So please, consider playing the complicated games, and join Dave on a day hes going to organize at some point to play each of them. Or he’ll be kept awake at night by 15 sobbing board games.*
*Don’t do the math on how much 15 board games are worth. Seriously. If you do… don’t double it. And definitely don’t rob my house. They’re not worth much second hand.