Summer – The other bits.
Other than a trip to Japan, other significant things happened this summer… I started a new job!
That’s right, I don’t watch youtube for a living anymore! I now make software for card machines in shops, for a company called Merchant Warehouse. We primarily make it for US machines, which are bigger and more capable than our card machines. I think if you use a machine in some stores where it says our company name on the screen, then you’re using software I helped fix a few weeks ago, though unless you’re on the east coast of the US, ythats unlikely. I could break our devices if I wanted to here though…
Before you ask, yes, I’m enjoying it, and its a definite step up.
For a few days in August I helped out in Loughbrickland Connect. So many things to say about this, but its late and I’ve already written an extensive blog tonight… so all I’ll say was: great people, great kids, a great experience, and a great God.
I moved out! I now live somewhere else in Belfast… Its great living by oneself. One can really start calling oneself one when oneself has no one around to stop one saying one a lot.
Lastly, I was at the Word weekend again! Another great weekend in another random place with another great speaker and more great people.
Another thing about living with oneself is I’m now supposed to do some form of organized abode temperature increasing event…. hmmm…
I did some abseiling for SUNI with some friends from church and SU. Please donate!
Summer – The other bits.