Other than a trip to Japan, other significant things happened this summer… I started a new job!
That’s right, I don’t watch youtube for a living anymore! I now make software for card machines in shops, for a company called Merchant Warehouse. We primarily make it for US machines, which are bigger and more capable than our card machines. I think if you use a machine in some stores where it says our company name on the screen, then you’re using software I helped fix a few weeks ago, though unless you’re on the east coast of the US, ythats unlikely. I could break our devices if I wanted to here though…
Before you ask, yes, I’m enjoying it, and its a definite step up.
For a few days in August I helped out in Loughbrickland Connect. So many things to say about this, but its late and I’ve already written an extensive blog tonight… so all I’ll say was: great people, great kids, a great experience, and a great God.
I moved out! I now live somewhere else in Belfast… Its great living by oneself. One can really start calling oneself one when oneself has no one around to stop one saying one a lot.
Lastly, I was at the Word weekend again! Another great weekend in another random place with another great speaker and more great people.
Another thing about living with oneself is I’m now supposed to do some form of organized abode temperature increasing event…. hmmm…
So, many things have happened since I last posted, and I should prob finish the Japan posts.. so, here we go!
Firstly… heres James in Japanese Pyjamas.
Moving on swiftly, on the Sunday we went to the church associated with the OMF center in Tokyo, called the Chapel Of Adoration. The entire service was in Japanese, so we sang the first verse then hummed the rest of the songs… we did get to see one of the missionary families again, and I think the kids really enjoyed that.
Fishing Net lights in the chapel of adoration.
The church was founded by the family of a racing driver, who used his money after his death to establish the church. Its not very big, but again, the members seem very dedicated.
From here we went on to the Edo Museum, which covers the history of Tokyo.
Amy was oddly happy to be locked in this box….
Tokyo used to be called Edo…
Hence the name of the museum…
It was pretty informative over the politics and general lifestyle of Tokyo since it took over being capital from Kyoto, though it was pretty vague about the mid thirties to late 40s.
It also covered this:
…which seems very relevant considering Tokyo claimed this:
Following the museum most of the team who wanted to climbed a skyscraper, did so, and marvelled at the awesome size of Tokyo:
Seriously its huge.
Meanwhile, Robbie and I toured an electronics shop that went on forever… and I bought a laptop for 30% cheaper than it would’ve cost at home. 😀 Robbie wisely resisted the temptation.
Finally there was dinner, and glorious sleep.
And then I woke up with the worst cold I’d ever had, and slept most of the last day, so heres my account of the last day in Japan through what the others told me:
They visited a Shinto Shrine! It was similar in someways to the Buddhist, but much quieter and less… horrible:
They visited a park, where drew looked at birds.
And then visited the busiest junction in Tokyo. Maybe in The world. And played fun games on it.
See if you can spot Flic! Its like wheres wally but with a small ginger person.*
I found this photo, but I’m not sure of its significance:
And thus, endeth our time in Japan. The following day, we got up at 5, 3 people threatened to kill me, we got on our plane to Copenhagan, and said goodbye to Drew, Helen, and a wonderful country.
Our first flight was long… Heather woke up somewhere over eastern russia and was confused as to why we hadn’t landed yet. Flic and Pip cried over the same movie. Robbie creeped out Amy every few hours. Our lsat flight happened, we got picked up at the airport, and welcomed back at Bloomfield by our friends and families.
One adventure over for us, though Flic has another adventure in mind.
She’ll be going to Japan for 3 months in January to help out OMF and support Helen. I’m sure she’d appreciate your prayers and support for her time there.
Other notable prayer subjectts:
Helen, as she does great work supporting the great missionaries with OMF.
The other missionaries we met at the conference and those who couldn’t get there. They’re great people working in some of the most difficult cultures in the world to be a missionary.
The missionary families. The kids are uprooted to a culture and language they don’t know. They’re brilliant kids, but that cannot be easy, and they need all the prayer and support they can get.
The churches and congregations we visited. From former SWAT team members, to elderly ladies, to students, to kids. These are all great people that are obviously passionate about their faith, and shining lights in a country that needs light.
And finally Japan itself. So many people lost and needing help, with a rising suicide rate and a growing gambling culture among men, they need to know they are loved and understand how unfathomable that is.
If you want to find out more about OMF and their work in Asia their website is here: http://www.omf.org/uk/
Thats it.
Finally, the Japan blog is over.
Wait… no, I’m sure theres one last embarrassing photo in here somewhere…
Actually trying to find an embarrassing one of me to make up for all the embarrassing ones of every one else… but genuinely can’t find any. There is, however, this:
Apparently, I’m being a tree. Shortly after this, Drew felled me. That sounds weird. But its true.
If any of the team has an embarrassing photo of me, point it out and I will post it. I promise. Heres an embarrassing photo of James and Robbie to act as incentive.