30 Aug

*pigeon noise*

I can make a rather convincing pigeon noise, apparently. I don’t do those other things pigeons do though. That would be gross. My other bird noises suck.

Onto more important, sensible, matters, I’m currently investigating the possibility of live-streaming our church service. If anyone has any experience in the legality and cheapness of this endeavour please let me know. And if you’re interested in listening, also let me know.

Back to the first point, loosely. Still being sensible though. I was at The Word last weekend, a PCI Young Adults conference thing. It had some of the more interesting talks I’ve listened to… And you can listen to! As soon as I can get the talks appropriately edited. That’ll be a while. If you’re interested in learning and growing and building up your presby friend network outside of your home church, please do go next year.

And this links nicely to my next point, you should volunteer for MAD. I know that other denomination has that other thing at the same time, our t-shirts are Red. Everybody looks good in red. Nobody looks good in Yellow. Plus, you get to see dozens of tired looking mad crew, finding entertaining ways to stay awake. Not that you’ll be tired. I’ll make sure to provide you with lots of sugar and caffeine. And a pillow. Not for sleeping, for screaming into and punching. It helps.

I may have gone too far there. That last bit wasn’t true. In fact quite a bit of that wasn’t true. But everyone does look better in red than yellow.

OH! I got my glasses. I have been having much merriment pretending I’ve always worn glasses, and confusing people. Its mean. But its fun.

Todays magic number, as referenced in the last blog, is 250! Its going up! Next time, it might go down. Maybe. That hasn’t been decided yet. It is not the number of people who’ve called me weird minus the number of people who’ve called me normal this year so far, but thats a decent guess.  That number is closer to 122. Half of those happened within a 24 hour period last weekend. Turns out pigeon noises are weird.

When you have a correct guess, let me know in secret. That way, I can confuse everyone else.

Thank you and remember, if I’m weird, what does that make that duck staring at you through the window? Go on. Open your curtains. Take a look.



Still haven’t started that something else. Should really get a move on…


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