This wasn’t Sparta, it was, however, MADness.
Now that I finally got the 300 joke out of the way, I’m now awake enough to type another awesome* blog.
So, the last few days have been… an experience. A good one, though I appear to be missing several decibels. Have you seen them? They’re small and fit in your ear. They were last seen running away from the ridiculous amount of bass I could hear from the massive speakers I spent a good amount of time standing beside, and been replaced by a slight ringing. My ears are probably the main concern after the last few days, other than the damage to my psyche from something I still struggle to talk about without laughing so hard I cry.
MAD weekend is what brought about this ridiculous scenario where I lack hearing and or the ability to talk about an un-named amateur hip-hop dancer, where I spent time either:
- With a camera, beside the stage, in front of a speaker
- In a hall, waiting for people to turn up so I could sleep on an uncomfortable sofa
- Giving a table quiz, 3 times and losing my voice
- Otherwise teching. I’ve made it a verb now.
- Avoiding my fan club. That’s right, I have a fan club. They’re all taller than me, and may be slightly crazy. The moment they discover this blog will be a problem.
- Watching one of the MAD crew shamelessly flirt with half the girls on crew. It was weird.
Thus, I am now going back to work tomorrow, and TESTING. Sometimes I wonder if I am being tested, if I’m a psychological experiment to see how maddening YouTube is. However, then the mushroom at the other end of the phone tells me that if I can watch more videos, I get to eat him, so I KEEP TESTING. If you want to know what I do, and haven’t read the blog where I explained it, it is here.
Speaking of YouTube, I’m now gonna do a semi-regular slot on good videos available,
This is the first episode in a pretty good web series:
Its a baby with a gun!
And now its a baby panda. Without a gun. Don’t give baby pandas guns. That’s just asking for trouble.
Lastly, the magic number today is now 310. Still getting bigger. A similarly related number (to some people, to me, its irrelevant) is 363. So, that’s that.
Dave out.
*awesome according to several readers. Really. They told me. In person.