12 Aug

Tech camp – day 4

You’re not wrong, there was no days 1, 2, or 3. I just figured all you folk who have taken the time to remember us in prayer deserved an update.

The theme has been connect, which we’ve been using in worship sessions and devotions everyday. We’ve got 9 kids and have 4 local leaders, and up until this afternoon had 4 americans that have been doing random PCI teams helping us out. They have been VERY useful, and will be very missed… though they have been fairly bored of the tech talk. They left for Larne today for another team, so, naturally we’re praying for their The field trips we’ve had have been fairly interesting:

On Wednesday we paid a trip to the Ulster Museum, which the leaders scouted out earlier to get some nice quiz questions for when they went, followed by a full, proper table quiz I wrote, and it went pretty well. found out one of the leaders likes Justin Bieber a bit too much. We are, of course, monitoring the situation, and attempting to fix that.

Thursday we ran a short video workshop (which I guess is still ongoing as they’re currently editing the videos they made) followed by a fairly interesting trip to production house group’s warehouse in east Belfast. The kids got to see the kit being prepped for tenants vital and new horizon, and the guys were kind enough to ‘test’ one of the Subs they’d be using for skrillex, deafening a few of us for a while. That night a few folk who use tech in industry were kind enough to sit answering a few questions we fired at them. They carefully brushed off the Mac or PC question. Mostly.

Yesterday ( or friday if i don’t publish this in the next hour) was possibly the most interested they’ve been so far. Though I may be slightly biased as I was the most interested then too… Anyway, I gave a short workshop detailing the innards of desktops and laptops and tried to explain how they work. It was pretty much the first time I’d given a presentation like that, and I’m fairly shocked at how well they listened, and the questions they asked. Gave me some hope for future gamers and system builders.

After that we went to a fun little place called Farset Labs, where people do Awesome things with electronics. Apart from 2 of the kids getting a little obsessed with the nerf guns, it went very well. They build random computer and electronic based projects, like a wheelchair that goes 40 miles an hour or adding random things to r/c helicopters. Seems fun, and I think they may feature here again.

Following this we went to UCBs radio station in Belfast, called commission radio. They make one of their digital evening shows here, and drama series with a fairly complex studio. Pretty cool stuff.

So then we come to today, when I woke up unable to speak, and we had a graphics seminar that I unfortunately had to sleep through, followed by bowling and laser quest. And now we’re watching Up.

That’s a sumup of the past few days, which have been tiring, but fun. Few prayer points:
most of the leaders are sick/wounded from previous endeavours. Energy and health would be appreciated.
Kids are great, we’re seeing them grow, and it would be great to see more on our last day
And finally, that the parents are appropriately impressed by their kids hard work when it’s presented tomorrow.

I’ll attempt to update again tomorrow… 😀

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