Japan – Day One: Sweetcorn Ice Cream and Puppies.
The Title will make sense eventually.

So we arrived about 24 hours ago, baggage and everyone intact. First thing we did after 34 hours of travel wasn’t shower, wasn’t sleep, wasn’t unpack…
We went to McDonalds.
Best. McDonalds. Ever.
The Chicken Burger was epic, and actually appeared to be real chicken. Flic was VERY happy they had Double Quarter Pounder Cheeseburgers. The fries actually filled the larger fries box. So good, and some of us bought this random pink thing.

It was gross, and looked kinda like wallpaper paste wrapped in marshmallow.
We then slept a glorious sleep in the OMF Guest House, until 2 of the guys decided to get the giggles at 8 am. There was almost an Incident. Fortunately we all lived, and visited OMF International Sapporo HQ, where the Japanese Language Center is.

We saw how people are introduced to the language and culture, and played a random totally unfair game. Yes, we lost, but the rules were deliberately biased against us. Or the only Boardgaming Geek would’ve won.
Following this we went and wandered around Sapporo for a few hours, meeting Chiaki (I only know how to spell this as she just added us on Facebook), a lovely Japanese girl from Helen’s church, climbed the TV tower and giving a brilliant view of most of the city.

We then had some traditional Japanese meaty, omelette, sharing pancake things, which Chiaki came very handy in explaining. They were very nice, though we probably ate too much. And may have given ourselves food poisoning. Though it involved Squid, the greatest of the Cephalopods! If you think its an Octopus you’re obviously wrong for so many reasons I can’t get into.

Then we wandered back to the subway stopping at a petstore to stare at the PUPPIES.

The subway was pretty full… though I expect this was nothing compared to what Tokyo Subways will be.
A few of the girls went and got icecreams, including this:

Yes it was sweetcorn flavoured. And thus, most of the team is playing Jungle speed, so I’m looking up what number to call for an ambulance…
Dave: The designated emergency caller.
@Stotherd The puppy IS so puppy! I’ve never seen a puppier puppy in my life.
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