I got a new keyboard. Its loud. And was expensive (you really don’t wanna know). But its a joy to type on, if you’re not really listening to anything.
So, this is the second entry onto a blog some people actually read. How many read this one will clearly determine how good the first post was…
That virus thing is apparently gone now, I’m pretty tired from it, so I’ve been back at work for the last week and a half or so, since I no longer have an excuse to do nothing all day… I finally got around to completing Deus Ex Human Revolution though. I regretted that.
In the mean time I’ve also collected a myriad of useless random crap, but here’s one of the weirder ones:
Anyway, tomorrow will be a long day. Maybe I’ll post about it. Maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll build a small thermo-nuclear device in my basement… oh hello CIA, Mi5, and…. I don’t know that acronym I’m sorry… but thanks for popping by! I don’t actually have a basement. Or any aspirations towards building a thermonuclear device. I just thought it might get me a few hits. Sorry for wasting your time!
Assuming I didn’t just annoy the wrong government agency and they’re not about to come get me to put me in that secret prison in the Falklands where they’re keeping the real Saddam and Bin Laden (thats the real reason they wanna keep ’em), I’ll be doing a couple of teams this summer, but, again, still not leaving this island. Grr… though I’m sure my wallet is appreciative. On a related note my teams seem fairly standard people so far, though I can’t wait to see how weird they get at 2 in the morning when they’re getting hyper and confused as to why I’m poking them in the face. I’m kidding, I won’t do that. Probably.
Dear goodness I’m weird.
Why did you read this far?!? GO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE.
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